Build a new front-end in Sber Eapteka. Lead of front-end developers in several projects. Author and maintainer of main UI library for Sber Eapteka services.
Reduced onboarding time for new developers by 4 times
Developed the project architecture. Moved the project to microservice architecture
Created a perfect team that could achieve tough goals. As a result, we have been growing by 1-3 story points for the 6th sprint
Changed a business scheme of cooperation with partners to the better one
Stabilized and unified CI/CD
Coordinated with other teams to solve issues
05/2016 — 10/2020
Staff frontend developer/Head of technical documentation group
Responsible for rewriting the main UI Library from i-bem.js to React + Typescript. Designed, implemented and optimized multiple tools for the development of technical documentation infrastructure and services (builders, linters, libraries). Developed internal solution for continuous integration.